We accept the following methods of payment:
Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express
Online payments via email link on your monthly invoice

Billing Terms
If you prefer credit card billing, your card will be billed on the 15th and/or the 30th.
You may set us up on your online Bill Pay system. A Visa, MasterCard, or checking account information on file is still required for us to begin service as a back up to assure prompt payment timelines.
We require immediate payment upon completion of work for all clean-ups and landscaping projects. You may set up payment by Visa, MasterCard or check draft information.
Invoices are mailed out approximately 10 days prior to the 1st of each month for the upcoming month of service. (Obviously the first month’s billing may vary due to the day and week of the month you initially begin service.) Each monthly billing cycle invoice includes mowing services from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. Please note that on weekly & bi-weekly services that some months will either have 3 or 5 services within a monthly service billing cycle for months with 5 weeks.
Payment will always be due by the 1st of the month and late after the 10th of the month. There is a $10.00 late fee added to invoices for payments received after the 10th of each month. Service will be suspended on the 25th of the month if payment has not been received.