2013 Turf Programs Fertilization & Weed Control
Turf Management Programs
Insects & Disease Control
Tree & Shrub Care
Bed Fertilization

Our Program and what it means to you
We offer six lawn treatments a year scheduled 8 weeks apart. A Certified Applicator will inspect your lawn for weeds, disease and insect problems on each visit, we will also maintain this service every time we are on your lawn. We will also make proper recommendations to ensure you have the best possible results for your lawn.
*Yes, we do remove the fertilizers from walkways.
*A lawn program can be started at any time of the year.
First Treatment (January)
Pre and post emergent are applied. This will help keep the summer weeds from germinating. Broad leaf weeds such as clover and dandelions are also sprayed.
Second Treatment (March)
We will once again apply Pre-emergent and fertilizer to promote growth.
Third Treatment (May)
We will apply a post- emergent to the lawn for those unfortunate weeds that have come up.
Fourth Treatment (July)
On this visit we will be fertilizing you lawn to keep it green until fall.
Fifth Treatment (September)
We will once again apply fertilizer to your lawn going into winter to strengthen your lawn for the next spring. You will also get your Fall Pre-emergent.
Sixth Treatment (November)
We will apply a Post-emergent to your lawn for broadleaf weed control